Heteroscodra maculata is a very stunning arboreal tarantula from West Africa, with black patterns on greyish skin they are a popular species among tarantula keepers. They are typically found in tropical rainforest environments, living among the treetops, this species will protect itself from the heat of the day by hiding in hollow branches and tree crevices. This is another very defensive tarantula and while it will try to flee at first, persistent provocation will likely result in a threat pose. This species can potentially have a medically significant bite. For this reason, they are only recommended for experienced keepers.
Taxonomic Classification- Kingdom:
- Phylum:
- Class: Eucheilcerata
- Order: Arachnida
- Family: Araneae
- Sub Family: Theraphosidae
- Genus: Heteroscodra
- Species: maculata