- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Arthropoda
- Class: Arachnida
- Order: Scorpiones
- Family: Scorpionidae
- Sub Family:
- Genus: Heterometrus
- Species: longimanus
Scorpions: Heterometrus longimanus - Borneo Forest Scorpion - 10 left

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Heterometrus longimanus, another species commonly known as the Asian forest scorpion. While this is a somewhat small species for an Asian forest scorpion they are known to be fairly aggressive and will not hesitate to pinch or sting. For this reason, they are recommended as an intermediate Heterometrus species.
Diet: Crickets, Locusts and cockroaches
Housing: Minimum of 35x35x30 enclosure with a slight bit of ventilation
Substrate: Fairly deep top soil mixed with sand/clay works well to hold humidity and means easy burrowing
Humidity: 80%
Additional notes:
Heterometrus love to burrow into their substrate.