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Scorpions: Heterometrus laoticus - Laos Forest Scorpion - 9 left

Heterometrus laoticus - Laos Forest Scorpion - 9 left
Heterometrus laoticus - Laos Forest Scorpion - 9 left

Taxonomic Classification
  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Arthropoda
  • Class: Arachnida
  • Order: Scorpiones
  • Family: Scorpionidae
  • Sub Family:
  • Genus: Heterometrus
  • Species: laoticus

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Small unsexed
Out of Stock
Medium unsexed
Out of Stock
Large unsexed
Adult Male
Out of Stock
Adult Female
Out of Stock
Care Sheet

The laoticus are a Heterometrus species that has no granulation on its head instead being completely smooth.
Relatively easy to look after and a good beginner large species of scorpion.
Adults can reach a size of 12cm.

Diet: Crickets, Locusts and cockroaches
Housing: Minimum of 35x35x30 enclosure with a slight bit of ventilation
Substrate: Fairly deep top soil mixed with sand/clay works well to hold humidity and means easy burrowing
Humidity: 80%
Additional notes:
Heterometrus love to burrow into their substrate.
They can be kept communal generally best to do it from a young age though.
Gravid females have been known to cannibalise others though.

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