- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Arthropoda
- Class: Arachnida
- Order: Scorpiones
- Family: Scorpionidae
- Sub Family:
- Genus: Heterometrus
- Species: spinifer
Scorpions: Heterometrus spinifer - Malaysian Forest Scorpion

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Heterometrus spinifer or Asian forest scorpion are a nocturnal terrestrial species native to Malaysia. They are typically found living on the forest floor of tropical rainforests, where they hide in burrows underneath fallen logs and other debris. This is another great beginner species due to their size, general hardiness and mild venom potency.
They are one of the largest Heterometrus species and have a very glossy appearance.
Diet: Crickets, Locusts and cockroaches
Housing: Minimum of 35x35x30 enclosure with a slight bit of ventilation
Substrate: Fairly deep top soil mixed with sand/clay works well to hold humidity and means easy burrowing
Humidity: 80%
Additional notes:
Heterometrus spinifers don't dig as much as other Asian forest species but plenty of hides and premade burrows will benefit this species.