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Praying Mantis: Deroplatys dessicata - Malaysian Dead Leaf Mantis (CB by BugzUK)

Deroplatys dessicata - Malaysian Dead Leaf Mantis (CB by BugzUK)
Deroplatys dessicata - Malaysian Dead Leaf Mantis (CB by BugzUK)
Deroplatys dessicata - Malaysian Dead Leaf Mantis (CB by BugzUK)
Deroplatys dessicata - Malaysian Dead Leaf Mantis (CB by BugzUK)

Called a dead leaf mantis after its habit, if startled, of dropping to the floor of the jungle and remaining is a master of camouflage with its leafy protrusions and resemblance to dried up dead leaves Varies in colour from mottled brown through to a very dark brown that is almost black This creature's camouflage is helped by its movements as well as its appearance as if the wind is blowing it gracefully rocks as if a leaf being blown in the wind. This mantis also has a startling threat display with inner wings which are black with large eyespots, which when opened give the impression of a much bigger animal often frightening away unsuspecting small predators. Females grow to 75-80mm long. Displaying the sexual dimorphism typical of mantises, males grow only 65-70mm long and are substantially smaller and lighter than females. Females� prothorax shields end in a sharp pointed curve on each side while the males have a diamond shape. Dessicata inhabits scrubland and forests in Borneo, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Sumatra.

Taxonomic Classification
  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Arthropoda
  • Class: Insecta
  • Order: Mantodea
  • Family: Mantidae
  • Sub Family: Deroplatyinae
  • Genus: Deroplatys
  • Species: DESSICATA (Beier 1935)

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Size L2/L3 Nymph
Size L4 - L5 Nymph
Size L6 - L7 Nymph
Out of Stock
Adult Male
Out of Stock
Adult Female
Out of Stock
Care Sheet

A suitable terrarium for this species would be 30cm x 30 x 40 (ht), if space is limited you can use a smaller terrarium with no problem, but this size allows the mantis to freely move about.
The terrarium should have reasonable ventilation to allow the freeflow of air to prevent a build up of mould or stale air
Provide plenty of good climbing branches
You do not need a substrate as the mantis spends all its time above ground and it is then easier to clean out , but if you want you can use a moistened coir or peart substrate to make the cage aesthetically more pleasing to the eye

Temperature / Humidity
This mantis can be kept at between 19 and 21 degrees comfortably and does not need a drop in temperature at night. They live in the cooler Malaysian highlands so dont like to be too hot
Spray or mist the cage every other day dependent on the type of cage. If it is a netted cage you will need to spray daily

Mantis will gorge themselves if they can and they can eat themselves to obesity. Feed a large mantis like this 4 to 5 large crickets weekly.

When adult, allow your mantids 8 to 14 days after their final moult before pairing with each other.
Best time to attempt pairing is around dusk
Place the female in the males cage, preferably in front of the male so that the male sees the female but the female does not see the male and leave them too it ! The female is aggressive and will likely attack the male before , during or after mating so BEWARE....keep an eye on proceedings.
If you see the mantids mating, remove the male after coitus and keep for other females or to re mate after eggsacs are laid
The female, when mated will likely lay an ootheca between 7 and 20 days later. (An ootheca is the name given to the eggsac laid by mantis and cockroaches)
The ootheca will likely take 30 to 40 days to hatch and should be incubated at about 23 to 26 degrees and misted daily. Each ootheca will hatch out approx 100 nymphs give or take 30 or so !!!!!!!

ootheca hatching experience, laid approx. every 14 to 21 days
laid 20/5/15 hatch 1/8/15.............73 days
laid 25/5/15 hatch 7/8/15.............75 days

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