1:Decayed Leaf Litter (2 Ltre)
1:Decayed Leaf Litter (4 Ltre)
1:Shitake Logs
1:Shitake Mushroom Wood Pulp Bags 2ltr Dried (equivalent To 0.8 Hydrated Blocks)
1:Shitake Mushroom Wood Pulp Bags 4ltr Dried (equivalent To 1.6 Hydrated Blocks)
1:Shitake Mushroom Wood Pulp Blocks (hydrated) Uk Only
1:Shredded Deciduous Wood (2 Ltre)
1:Shredded Deciduous Wood (4 Ltre)
Anthia sexmaculata (no Guarantee To Send Pairs, As Only Sexable When Found Mating)
Asbolus verrucosus (not sexable) - Blue death feigning beetle
Chalcosoma caucasus
Chelorrhina savagei
Dicronorrhina derbyana layardi (B67)
Hexarthrius parryi (CB by Bugzuk) (B106)
Mecynorrhina polyphemus C/B
Mecynorrhina torquata immaculicollis - Giant Flower Beetle (CB by BugzUK) - 10 available
Mecynorrhina torquata ugandensis (B7) (CB by BugzUK) - 9 available
Pachnoda marginata peregrina (B21) CB
Pachnoda prasina (B80)
Pachnoda sinuata (B15)
Pachnoda sinuata flaviventris (B38)
Tefflus megerlei
Samia Ricini
Alipes multicostis
Alipes Sp : Flag Tail
CAPTIVE BRED BY BUGZUK ! Scolopendra Sp. madagascarensis peedlings
Ethmostigmus trigonopodus Alexandria
Ethmostigmus trigonopodus Niger
Rhysida Sp Violet - 1 Left !
Rhysida Sp. 'Nigeria' - 6 left
Rhysida Sp. Cameroon
Scolopendra Cf hainanum
Scolopendra cingulata
Scolopendra dehaani
Scolopendra dehaani (thai Giant black flame tip)
Scolopendra dehaani (thai Giant Yellow Leg)
Scolopendra dehaani Sumatran orange
Scolopendra dehaani Vietnam Giant Orange Leg
Scolopendra dehaani..cherry red
Scolopendra hardwickei
Scolopendra polymorpha
Scolopendra Sp. Java
Scolopendra Sp. madagascarensis
Scolopendra subspinipes ..(thai Red Leg)
Scolopendra subspinipes ..(thailand Yellow Leg)
Scolopendra subspinipes (Vietnam Red Leg)
Scolopendra subspinipes (Vietnam Yellow Leg)
Scolopendra subspinipes mutilans
Scolopendra subspinipes Sumatran flame
1:Shitake Blocks
Aeluropoda insignis
Blaberus cranifer (CB by BugzUK) sold in packs of 5
Blaberus giganteus (CB by BugzUK) special offer for packs of 10
Blaptica dubia (CB by BugzUK) sold in packs of 5
Elliptorhina javanica
Eublaberus distanti - Six-spotted cockroach CB by BugzUK - packs of 5
Eublaberus posticus (CB by BugzUK) sold in packs of 5
Gromphadorhina oblongata
Gromphadorhina portentosa
Gromphadorhina Species CB sold in packs of 5
Gyna caffrorum (CB by BugzUK) sold in packs of 5
Gyna lurida
Lucihormetica verrucosa (Headlight) (CB by BugzUK) sold in packs of 5
Naupheota cinera (CB by BugzUK) sold in packs of 5 special discount
Oxyhaloa deusta - Red Head Roach CB by BugzUK - sold in packs of 5
Periplaneta americana (CB by BugzUK) *SPECIAL OFFER* for pack of 50
Periplaneta americana (CB by BugzUK) sold in packs of 10 *SPECIAL OFFER*
Princisia vanwerebecki
Pycnoscelus indicus (CB by BugzUK) sold in packs of 5
Therea olegrandjeani (question mark)
Therea petiveriana (domino) (CB by BugzUK) sold in packs of 5
Cardisoma armatum - Rainbow Crab (with missing leg/claw) discounted 3 at 6/8cm left
Cardisoma armatum - Rainbow Crab *SPECIAL DISCOUNT* 1 - 8/10cm left
Coenobita brevimanus
Coenobita brevimanus - Group of 3
Coenobita cavipes - Passionfruit Hermit
Coenobita clypeatus common
Coenobita clypeatus common - Group of 3
Coenobita compressus
Coenobita perlatus Strawberry hermit
Coenobita perlatus Strawberry hermit.......group of 3 crabs
Coenobita rugosus
Coenobita rugosus - group of 3
Coenobita violascens
Coenobita violascens - Group of 3
Geosesarma bicolor
Geosesarma bogorensis - Purple Vampire crab
Geosesarma dennerle - Apricot Vampire Crab
Geosesarma dennerle - Falcon Vampire crab (new to hobby)
Geosesarma dennerle - Graphite Grey Vampire Crab
Geosesarma dennerle - Halloween Vampire Crab (Tangerine)
Geosesarma dennerle - Lavender Vampire Crab
Geosesarma dennerle - Marble Vampire Crab
Geosesarma dennerle - Orange Eye Vampire Crab
Geosesarma dennerle - Orchid Vampire Crab
Geosesarma dennerle - Tomato vampire crab (red ruby)
Geosesarma dennerle - Vampire Crab
Geosesarma dennerle - White Claw Vampire Crab
Geosesarma hagen - Red Devil Vampire Crab
Geosesarma noduliferum - Red Arm Vampire Crab
Geosesarma notophorum - Mandarin Vampire Crab 15 left
Geosesarma pontianak - White Mandarin Vampire Crab
Geosesarma rouxi - Rainbow Vampire Crab (blue leg)
Geosesarma rouxi - Rainbow Vampire Crab (red leg)
Geosesarma sp orange claw
Geosesarma sp red claw 11 left
Geosesarma tiomanicum - Disco Vampire crab
Geosesarma tricolor - Tricolor Vampire Crab
Labuanium vitatum - Christmas Island Tree Climbing Crab
Metasesarma aubryi - Red Apple Crab
Metasesarma aubryi - Red Apple Crab - group of 5
Metasesarma obesum - Green Batik Crab
Metasesarma obesum - Marble Batik Crab - group of 5
Metasesarma obesum - Marble Batik Crab 7 left
Neosarmatium rotundifrons - Blue Spider Crab (new to the hobby)
Neosarmatium smithi - Red Spider Crab
Neosarmatium smithi - Red Spider Crab (missing claw/legs)
Perisesarma bidens - Gold Sparkles Red Claw Crab
Terrathelphusa kaufen - Banana Crab (new to the hobby)
Ancylecha fenestrata
Cosmoderus femoralis
Erianthus versicolor
Pseudoproscopia latirostris (8 left of small and medium)
Siliquofera grandis - Giant Hooded Katydid (CB by BugzUK)
Siliquofera grandis - Giant Hooded Katydid (CB by BugzUK) (pack of 4)
Stilpnochlora couloniana
Armadillidium granulatum - packs of 5 (CB by BugzUK)
Armadillidium maculatum - Zebra Isopod - packs of 5 (CB by BugzUK)
Cubaris sp 'Penguin' - packs of 5
Porcelio laevis 'Dairy cow' - packs of 5 (CB by BugzUK)
Porcelio scaber 'Lava' - packs of 5
Porcellio laevis 'Orange' - packs of 5 (CB by BugzUK)
Porcellionides pruinosus 'Orange & Grey' - packs of 5 (CB by BugzUK)
1;Cuttlefish Bone large to 20cm approx 60g For Millipedes (price is for 1 large piece calcium)
1;Cuttlefish Bone medium to 15cm approx 30g For Millipedes (price Each For 1 medium)
1;Decayed Leaf Litter (2 Ltre)
1:Decayed Leaf Litter (4 Ltre)
1:Shitake Logs
1:Shitake Mushroom Block
1:Shitake Mushroom Wood Pulp Bags 2ltr Dried
1:Shitake Mushroom Wood Pulp Bags 4ltr Dried
1:Shredded Deciduous Wood 2ltrs
1:Shredded Deciduous Wood 4ltrs
Anadenobolus monilicornis
Aphistogoniulus corralipes
Archispirostreptus gigas - Congo black, African giant black
Archispirostreptus gigas - group of 5
Atopochetus dollfusi
Centrobolus annulatus
Chicobolus spinigerus
Chicobolus spinigerus... purple ivory
Delta Brown Nigerian Millipede
Microtrullius uncinatus
Narceus americanus
Narceus gordanus
Narceus gordanus
Odontostreptus sp. - Peach Banded millipede
Ophistreptus guineensis - African Giant Chocolate millipede *special discount*
Ophistreptus guineensis... group of 5
Orthoporus ornatus - Gold Desert Millipede
Orthroporus ornatus - Chocolate Desert Millipede
Pachybolus ligulatus - African amber millipede
Pachybolus Ligulatus ..group of 5
Pelmatojulus excisus
Spirostreptus amandus
Spirostreptus fasciatus
Spirostreptus giganteus - ex Colossobolus giganteus
Spirostreptus Servatius
Spirostreptus Sp 1 'Burmese Beauty' CB by Bugzuk
Spirostreptus Sp 8 'Green Stripe'
Telodeinopus aouti (CB by BugzUK)
Telodeinopus aouti... group of 5 (CB by BugzUK)
Telodeinopus assiniensis
1:Feeder Flies - Calliphoridae maggots
1:Feeder Flies - Lucilia Sericata pinkies
1:Feeder Flies - Musca Domestica squats
1:Fruit fly culture : Golden fruit fly...very small feeder fly
1:Fruit Fly Cultures
Acanthops erosula
Acrylic ventilated tall arboreal viv 10 x 10 x 15cm ...small
Acrylic ventilated tall arboreal viv 15 x 15 x 20cm ...medium
Acrylic ventilated tall arboreal viv 19 x 19 x 29cm ...large
Blepharopsis Mendica - Thistle Mantis
Creobroter Gemmatus
Creobroter Sp yunnan - Yunnan Flower Mantis (CB by BugzUK)
Deroplatys dessicata - Malaysian Dead Leaf Mantis (CB by BugzUK)
Deroplatys lobata CB - Southeast Asian dead leaf mantis
Deroplatys trigonodera
Deroplatys truncata
Dysaules longicollis
Empusa hedenborgii - Conehead Mantis
Gongylus gongylodes - Wandering Violin Mantis
Heterochaeta orientalis - Cat Eyed Mantis CB
Hierodula majuscula - Giant Rainforest Mantis
Hierodula membrenacea - Giant Asian Mantis CB
Hierodula membrenacea - Giant Asian Mantis CB price for l4/l5 pair
Hierodula patellifera - Harabiro Mantis CB - 9 Adult females avaliable
Hierodula Sp Papua
Hierodula sp Venosa - Golden Asian Mantis
Hymenopus coronatus - Orchid Mantis female
Hymenopus coronatus - Orchid Mantis male
Hymenopus coronatus unsexed nymphs (L2/L3 orchid mantis) CB
Idolomantis diabolica - Devil's Flower Mantis
Miomantis Caffra - Springbok Mantis CB by BugzUK
Miomantis Sp Nigeria
Omomantis zebrata - Zebra Mantis
Oxyopsis peruviana
Parablepharis kuhlii - Vietnamese Ghost Mantis
Parasphendale affinis - Budwing Mantis
Parasphendale agrionina - Budwing Mantis (CB by BugzUK)
Phasmomantella nuichuana (very large species)
Phyllocrania paradoxa (Ghost Mantis - Green)
Phyllocrania paradoxa (Ghost Mantis)
Pnigomantis medioconstricta
Polyspilota aeruginosa CB by Bugz
Polyspilotta griffini
Popa Spurca
Pseudocreobotra wahlbergii - Spiny Flower Mantis
Pseudoempusa pinnapavonis - CB by Bugz
Rhombodera Basalis
Rhombodera Kirbyi - Timor Shield Mantis CB
Rhombodera stalli
Rhombodera vallida - Giant Shield Mantis
Sibylla pretiosa - Cryptic Mantis
Sphodromantis Aurea
Sphodromantis lineola - African Line Mantis CB by BugzUK
Sphodromantis Sp Nigeria
Sphodromantis Viridis - African Mantis CB BY BUGZ
Stagmatoptera biocellata
Tarachodula Pantherina - Panther Mantis
Tenodera angustipennis
Tenodera sinensis
Chaerilus Sp celebes CB
Chaerilus Sp java
Chaerilus Sp sumatra
Euscorpiops vachoni
Hadrurus arizonensis - Desert Hairy - 1 left
Hadrurus arizonensis pallidus - Desert Hairy Blonde
Hadrurus obscurus - Californian desert hairy 5 left
Heterometrus laevigatus
Heterometrus laoticus - Laos Forest Scorpion - 9 left
Heterometrus longimanus - Borneo Forest Scorpion - 10 left
Heterometrus silenus - Vietnamese Forest Scorpion - 10 left
Heterometrus spinifer - Malaysian Forest Scorpion
Hoffmannius confusus - Yellow Devil Scorpion - 4 left
Javametrus cyaneus - Indo Forest Scorpion - CB scorplins by BugzUK - 7 left
Liocheles australaise
Opisthacanthus madagascariensis
Opistophthalmus glabifrons
Paleocheloctonus pauliani
Pandinus imperator
Paravaejovis spinigerus - Stripe-tailed scorpion
Paruroctonus baergi - Baergs Sandswimmer
Scorpio maurus palmatus
Scorpiops cf thailandus
Smeringurus mesaensis - Dune Scorpion 13 x small 5 x medium and 13 x large left
1: Spiderling Pots - Optically Clear 25ml Sample Pot With Snap-on Lid (pack 10)
Acanthoscurria geniculata
Aphonopelma Anax
Aphonopelma chalcodes
Aphonopelma Hentzi
Aphonopelma Seemanni
Avicularia Avicularia
Brachypelma Albiceps
Brachypelma boehmei - Mexican Fire Leg (CB by BugzUK) 5 x 1.5/3 left 1 x 3/4.5 left and 5 x 7+cm left
Brachypelma emilia
Brachypelma hamorii - Mexican Red Knee (CB by BugzUK) 2 left at 1.5/3
Brachypelma Klassi - Acapulco Lesser Orange
Bumba horrida
Caribena Versicolor
Ceratogyrus Darlingi
Ceratogyrus Marshalli
Chilobrachys Dyscolus
Chilobrachys huahini confirmed females 3 left
Chromatopelma Cyaneopubescens
Cyclosternum Pentalore
Cyriocosmos Elegans
Cyriopagopoeus lividus - Cobalt Blue
Cyriopagopoeus Minax... CB by BugzUK
Cyriopagopoeus Sp Hati Hati
Davus Fasciatus (cyclosternum Fasciatum)
Ephebopus Murinus
Grammostola Pulchra
Grammostola Pulchripes
Grammostola Rosea : Chilean Rose Red
Harpactira baviana
Heteroscoda maculata...
Hysterocrates gigas CB by BugzUK 1 left
Hysterocrates laticeps
Hysterocrates Robustum
Lasiocyano sazimai - Brazilian Blue Tarantula (CB by BugzUK)
Lasiodera Striatipes
Lasiodora Klugi - Bahia scarlet 1 left
Lasiodora parahybana - Salmon Pink Birdeater (CB by BugzUK) 1 x 3/4.5 left and 1 x 7+cm left
Megaphobema Robustum
Monocentropus balfouri
Monocentropus Lambertoni (w/c)
Neoholothele Incei Gold - Gold Trinidad Olive 6 x 4.5/7 and 1 x 7+cm left
Neoholothele Incei...
Nhandu colloratovilosum - Brazilian Black And White 1 x 3/4.5 left and 8 x 7+cm left *Special offer*
Nhandu Tripepii - Brazilian Blond 2 left
Omothymus Violaceopes
Orphnaecus Sp Cebu
Pelinobius Muticus
Phormictopus Cancerides
Phormingochilus Sp Rufus
Poecilotheria Fasciata
Poecilotheria formosa
Poecilotheria Hanumavilasumica
Poecilotheria Metallica
Poecilotheria Miranda
Poecilotheria ornata
Poecilotheria Regalis
Poecilotheria Rufilata (CB by BugzUK)
Poecilotheria Smithi
Poecilotheria Striata
Poecilotheria Subfusca
Poecilotheria Tigrinawesseli
Poecilotheria Vittata
Psalmopoeus Cambridgei - Trinidad Chevron
Psalmopoeus irminia - Venezuelan Sun Tiger 2 left
Psalmopoeus Pulcher
Psalmopoeus Reduncus - Costa Rican Orange Mouth 1 left
Pseudoclamoris Gigas
Pterinochilus Chordata
Pterinochilus Lugardi
Pterinochilus murinus...
Selenocosmia Javanensis 1 adult female left
Stromatopelma calceatum
Tapinauchenius Gigas
Theraphosa Strimi (7/9cm Leg Length)
Theraphosa Strimi (9/10cm Leg Length)
Thrixopelma Ockerti
Tliltocatl albopilosus Hobby (CB by BugzUK)
Tliltocatl albopilosus Nicaraguan (CB by BugzUK)
Tliltocatl angustum - Costa Rican Red (C/B by BugzUK) 3 left
Tliltocatl Sabulosum
Tlitocatl vagans (CB by BugzUK)
Vitalius chromatus (CB by BugzUK) 2 x 4.5/7 left
Xenesthis Immanis - Purple Bloom
Argiope sp Nigeria
Barylestis scutatus - Cameroon crab spider (CB by BugzUK)
Barylestis variatus - African Crab Spider (CB by BugzUK) *special discount*
Cupiennius Salei - Tiger Wandering Spider (CB by BugzUK)
Cyrtophora citricola
Deinopis Sp...likely D Aspectans
Dolomedes okefinokensis
Dolomedes triton
Eratigena atrica
Heteropoda Boei
Heteropoda Davidbowie
Heteropoda javana
Heteropoda venatoria - Giant crab spider (CB by BugzUK)
Hogna carolinensis - Carolina Wolf Spider CB
Hogna coloradensis - Desert Wolf Spider
Hogna lenta - Field Wolf Spider
Hogna lenta Pine Giant
Hogna Lenta white wolf
Hogna miami - Field Wolf Spider
Hogna osceola - Red Pine Giant Wolf Spider *special offer*
Hovops madagascariensis (CB by BugzUK)
Kukulkania hibernalis - Southern House Spider (CB by BugzUK) *special discount*
Lycosidae sp. Nigeria - mix of Nigerian Wolf Spiders
Macroctenus kingsleyi CB by BugzUK
Nephilengys Cruentata
Phiddipus regius C/B
Phiddipus texanus (Captive bred)
Pholcus phalangioides
Piloctenus haematostoma - Red fang wandering spider
Selenops radiata (CB by BugzUK) *special offer*
Sicarius thomisoides....need e mailed proof over 18 for us to sell this to you ...they are approx 1.5cm
Tigrosa georgicola (Captive bred)... x3 left all females
Trichonephila inaurata sp madagascarensis (CB by BugzUK)
Viridasius fasciatus (CB by BugzUK)
Damon medius - Tailless Whip Scorpion (100% confirmed species)
Phrynus whitei
Mastigoproctus giganteus
Thelyphonus sp red back
Achrioptera Fallax...small Nymphs Are About 2.5 To 3.5cm Long
Dares Phillipinensis
Diapherodes Giganteum
Eurycantha horrida - Thorny devil stick insects CB
Eurycanthus Calcarata (CB Special Offer)
Extatasoma Tiaratum
Heteropteryx Dilatata
Marmessoidea sp (cat tien)
Nuichua Rabaeyae Nui Chua (CB by BugzUK)
Oreophoetes Peruana
Parecetosoma Hystrix
Peruphasma Schultei
Peruphasma Schultei pack of 10
Phaenopharos khaoyaiensis - Bud-wing stick insect
Phyllium Phillipinicum
Pterulina distinctissima
Sungaya inexpectata - Sunny stick insect
Tirachoidea Jianfenglingensis
Tisamenus sp. cunayan
Tisamenus sp. cunayan special deal for group of 10
Brown Crickets - Silent (med/smll Size Pre Pack)
Brown Crickets - Silent (medium Size Pre Pack)
Brown Crickets - Silent (small Size Pre Pack)
Brown Crickets - Silent (standard Size Pre Pack)
Drosophila Fruit Fly Culture
Drosophila melanogaster - Golden Fruit Fly Culture
Flies - Hydrotaea Capensis: squat flies for L3/L4 mantis
Flies - Lucilia Sericata: pinkie maggots for L4/L5 mantis
Flies : Calliphoridae: Blow Fly maggot Larvae
Fly Casters - Calliphoridae (blow Fly maggot Larvae)
Fly Casters - Hydrotaea Capensis (house Fly squat Maggot)
Fly Casters - Lucilia Sericata pinkies
Naupheota Cinera (C/B by BugzUK) sold in packs of 10 special discount
Tropical Grey Woodlice Prepack
Tropical Orange Woodlice Prepack
Tropical Springtails Culture Pre Pack Collembolla Sp
1:Cuttlefish Bone For Snails (price Each For Calcium)
1:Cuttlefish Bone For Snails (price For 10 Pieces)
1:Snail Dewormer (price Per 100gm Of Dry Mix)
Achatina balteata - Giant African land snail - Tiger snail
Achatina fulica Dark Foot
Archachatina adelinae
Archachatina camerunensis w/c
Archachatina marginata albino - Giant African Land Snail Albino
Archachatina marginata Cameroon
Archachatina marginata icterica - Albino Shell marginata
Archachatina marginata Ovum -Giant African Land Snail XL 12 - 16 cm
Archachatina marginata Ovum -Giant African Land Snail XXL SIZE 16+cm
Archachatina marginata Ovum CB
Ceras dautzenbergi
Eduntulina martensi
Helicophanta ibaraoensis
Helicophanta ibaraoensis Pack of 3 Deal
Helicophanta magnifica
LIMITED STOCK - Limicolaria aethiops 4-8cm
LIMITED STOCK - Limicolaria flammea Nigeria Brown
LIMITED STOCK - Limicolaria flammea pink shell 4-8cm
LIMITED STOCK. Archachatina marginata icterica - Albino shell Giant African Land snail
Lissachatina fulica (CB by BugzUK)
Lissachatina fulica Albino (CB by BugzUK)
Lissachatina fulica Madagascar
Pleurodonte Isabella Barbados (CB by BugzUK)
Pseudachatina Connectens
Rumina Decollata babies 0 - 2 cm (CB by BugzUK)
Assassin Bugs : Platymeris biguttatus (CB by BugzUK) pack of 4
Psytalla Horrida - Horrid King Assassin bug (CB by BugzUK)
Psytalla Horrida - Horrid King Assassin bug (CB by BugzUK) Packs of 4
Water Bugs : Lethocerus Africanus
Mystery box beginner
Mystery box expert
Mystery box Intermediate
Coromus diaphorus - gold-edged band tail
Coromus vittatus vittatus - Marzipan flat-back millipede
Acromyrmex octospinosus
Butterflies & Moths: Collins Nature Guides
Butterflies: RSPB ID spotlight
Insects: Concise Guide
BEES: RSPB ID spotlight
Breathtaking Beetles - Paperback - By Catherine Ipcizade
Breathtaking Beetles - Hardback- By Catherine Ipcizade
Butterflies & Moths: Miles Kelly Handbook
Butterflies- Collins gem
Butterflies: Bloomsbury- Great Britain & Europe- Photography guide
Butterflies: Pocket guide to the Butterflies of Great Britain -Second Edition
Butterfly & moth: Concise Guide
Caterpillars: RSPB ID spotlight
Children : Tickly Minibeast Adventure
Children :How to Help A Hedgehog And Protect A Polar Bear
Children: A colony of Ants and other Insect groups
Children: Ants
Children: Bees & Wasps
Children: Bug Hotel- A lift- the- flap book of discovery
Children: Bugs & Insects
Children: Bugs to spot- Includes Stickers
Children: Bugs Ultimate Sticker Book with more than 250 reusable stickers
Children: Butterflies to spot- Includes stickers
Children: Butterfly : Fluttering Minibeast Adventures
Children: Butterfly Activity Pack- Fold out Play Scene- Stickers & Colouring
Children: Butterfly Spin & See Book
Children: Findout! -Bugs
Children: Incy Wincy Spider puppet book
Children: Ladybird Spin and See book
Children: Let's find Stickman- Lift-a-flap Book
Children: Let's find Superworm A Lift-a-flap Book
Children: Sticker book Safari Bugs- 300+ stickers
Children: Tattoo Book of Bugs
Children: Tattoo Book- Butterflies and other insects
Children: Where's Mrs Ladybird? felt flaps and mirror book
Children:Explorer BUGS!- Natural History Museum
Children:Honeybee Spin and See Book
Children:Spider Spin and See Book
Children's Insects : Incredible Insects
Children's Insects : Minibeasts With Jess French
Childrens; Let's Look for Butterflies- Spot, Stick, Colour & Play book
Childrens: Butterflies magic painting
Childrens: Eyelike- 400 Reusable Stickers
Childrens: Forests By Jess French
Childrens: Little Caterpillar with fluffy wiggly legs
Childrens: Project bugs by Miles Kelly
Childrens: Sticker book -Beetles, Butterflies and other British Minibeasts
Childrens: What a Waste - Jess French
Childrens:The Ladybird - B Gervais
Dragonflies & Damselflies: Bloomsbury Field Guide to the of great Britain & Ireland
Dragonflies and Damselflies: RSPB ID spotlight
Guide to Dragonflies and damselflies of Britain - Natural History Museum
Guide to Ladybirds of the British Isles - Natural History Museum
Guide to ShieldBugs of the British Isles - Natural History Museum
Guide to the Ladybird Larvae of the British Isles - Natural History Museum
Insects : Collins Complete Guide British Insects
Insects : Dk Pocket Eyewitness Insects
Insects : Hong Kong Insects 1
Insects : Hong Kong Insects 2
Insects : Insect Societies
Insects : Insects A Portrait Of The Animal World
Insects : Insects Of New Zealand
Insects : Invertebrates, Understanding And Caring For Your Invertebrate
Insects- Collin gem
Insects: COLLINS NATURE GUIDES- of Britain and Europe
Micro Moths: Bloomsbury Field Guide of great Britain & Ireland
Millipedes : Professional Breeders Series : Millipedes : By Shura Sigling
Moths: RSPB ID spotlight
OS Explorer map: Norfolk Coast Central-Wells next the Sea & Fakenham
OS Explorer map: Norfolk Coast East-Cromer & North Walsham
OS Explorer map: Norfolk Coast West-Kings Lynn & Hunstanton
Spiders : African Spiders By Filmer
Spiders: Collins gem
Stick Insects : Phasmids Of Borneo
Tarantulas : Tarantulas
Tarantulas : Tarantulas And Other Arachnids
Tarantulas : Tarantulas And Scorpions In Captivity
Year round Walks-Norfolk James Lowen
Skull Of Buffalo - Large
Crocodile Skull- 24L x 11.5W x 8 cm H
Cut Coconut Branch - large - Approx 30cm
Dragon Skull:Pro rep- Med 19.5 x 14.8 x 13.5cm
Finger Cactus
Full stem coconut branch large 50/60cm
Helanthium Pink
Large Human Skull 12 x 18 x13 cm
Large Skull Of Crocodile
Large Skull Of Primate
Large Skull Of T Rex.
Pirate Skull
Plastic plant: Zoo Med- Flora Lace
Plastic plant: Zoo Med- Medium Borneo star
Plastic Plant: Zoo Med- Medium Malaysian Fern
Plastic Plant: Zoo Med- Medium Mexican Phyllo
Plastic Plant: Zoo Med- Sword Gern
Plastic Suction plant- Philo plant
RS- Desert Plant with Rock Base- 7.5 x 6 x 12cm
skull dinosaur 18.5 x 10 x 12.5cm
skull sabre tooth tiger 15.5 x 8.5 x x11.5 cm
Small Skull Of Primate 11L x 8w x 8cm H
Tree stump with moss- AQ 12.5 x 10 x 20cm
Viking Skull
Exo Terra Dial Hygrometer
exo terra dial thermometer
Exo terra digital thermometer
Exo terra liquid crystal terrarium thermometer strip
Exo Terra- digital Hygrometer
Micro Climate - Ministat 100 - digital Thermostat
Micro Climate dimmer B1 digital Thermostat
zoo med dial thermometer
Exo Terra Water dish small
Lucky Reptile: Fly Feeder
Micro dish
pro rep plastic wall mounted single jelly pot holder
PROREP Terrarium Bowl small
PROREP Mealworm dish
PROREP Root Dish Small
PROREP Water Dish
PROREP- Small stone bowl
Repti Rock Water Dish small
Resin Rock Feeder 18.5 x 13 x 6 ......10 left
Resin Rock Feeder 21 x 13 x 8.5cm........... 10 left
Resin Rock Feeder 21 x 14 x 5cm
resin single rock jelly holder
Beetle Grub Type 1 Substrate
Beetle Grub Type 2 Substrate
Beetle Jelly pot - Mango Flavour
Beetle Jelly pot - Melon Flavour
Beetle Jelly pot - Papaya Flavour
Beetle Jelly pot - Pineapple Flavour
Beetle Jelly pot - Plain Flavour
Cuttlebone large size to 20cm approx 60g
Cuttlebone medium size to 15cm approx 30g
Fly Feeder For Use With Flying Insects
H20 water balls insect hydration clear
H20 water balls insect hydration rainbow
Live Food Feeder Refill Pack 250g
Live Food Refill Pack 1kg
Livefood Food 300g Jar
Springtail Food 150g
Bug Tea Towel 100% Cotton
Bug Tea Towel 100% Cotton
Bug Tea Towel 100% Cotton
Bug Tea Towel 100% Cotton
Bug Tea Towel 100% Cotton
Lola design Blackberry Woods soap
Lola Designs Cucumber Leaf & Green melon soap
Lola Designs Gardeners exfoliating Soap
Sunlover: Double Butterfly
Sunlover: Double Dragonfly
Sunlover: Driftwood Bees Nest - Hanging 3 Bees
Sunlover: Driftwood Bees Nest - Standing 3 Bees
Sunlover: Driftwood Bees Nest - Standing 6 Bees
Sunlover: Parasite Wood Carving Butterfly 15CM
Sunlover: Parasite Wood Carving Dragonfly 15CM
14cm metal tweezers
20cm metal tweezers
30cm lucky reptile tweezers
Exo terra bamboo tweezers 28cm long.
pro rep plastic tongs 15cm
zoo med plastic feeding tongs
Cloth Heat mat 6 watts 6'' x 11'' pro rep
Heat Mat : Pro Rep 12 Watts 11'' x 11''
PRO REP: Heat mat 4 x 6"
PROREP cloth heat Mat 17 x 11
Reptile Systems: Heating Mat 15 x 15cm 3.5Watts
Coconut Shell Hide
Cork bark small tube
Dark Wood Log Hide
PROREP Natural wooden hide Medium
PROREP Rock shedding cave medium
PROREP Rock shedding cave small
PROREP Root hide small
Real Log Hide with Bark
Vivarium :geo Flat Large Vivarium (RED) 20% OFF WAS £36.75
acrylic terrestrial cube viv ..10cm cube
acrylic terrestrial cube viv ..15cm cube
acrylic terrestrial cube viv ..20cm cube
Acrylic ventilated tall arboreal viv 10 x 10 x 15cm ...small
Acrylic ventilated tall arboreal viv 15 x 15 x 20cm ...medium
Acrylic ventilated tall arboreal viv 19 x 19 x 29cm ...large
Cricket Habitat :exo Terra Cricket Pen Large
Cricket Habitat :exo Terra Cricket Pen Replacement Sponge
Cricket Habitat :exo Terra Cricket Pen Small
Critter Box
Netted Cage :large Cube Net Cage 50cm
Plastic Vented Tub :11cm X 11cm X 6cm
Plastic Vented Tub :11cm X 11cm X 6cm (price For 10 Tubs)
Pro Rep: Live Food Care kit (Large)
Pro Rep: Live food care kit (small)
Vivarium : Repti Breeze Open Air Aluminium Screen Cage
Vivarium :Capri Vivarium (GREEN)- 20% OFF WAS £49.00
Vivarium :exo Terra Standard Faunarium Flat, Large
Vivarium :exo Terra Standard Faunarium Flat, Medium
Vivarium :exo Terra Standard Faunarium Large
Vivarium :exo Terra Standard Faunarium Medium
Vivarium :exo Terra Standard Faunarium Mini
Vivarium :exo Terra Standard Faunarium Small
Vivarium :geo Large Plastic Vivarium ( BLUE) 20% OFF WAS £18.25
Vivarium :geo Large Plastic Vivarium ( GREEN ) 20% OFF WAS £18.25
Vivarium :geo Large Plastic Vivarium ( RED) 20% OFF WAS £18.25
Vivarium :nano Breeze Open Air Aluminium Screen Cage ...1 left
100 watt Intense Basking spot
75 Watt Infrared Basking Spot
75 Watt Intense Basking Spot
BC to ES Converter for ES Bulbs
Exo Terra : Repti- Glo Dessert terrarium lamp bulb 10.0 UVB
Infrared Spot 40 Watt Bc
Light Bracket- Light Dome Support Fixture
Light Dome, Aluminum UV Reflector Lamp
Pro Rep Basking spot lamp 40w - ES
Pro Rep Basking Spot Light 60 watts - ES
Pro Rep Infrared spot 100 watts - ES
Pro Rep: Basking Spot 100 Watts -ES
Pro Rep: Infrared Spot 40 Watts - ES
Pro Rep: Infrared Spot 60 Watts - ES
PROREP Basking spot 40w BC
PROREP Basking spot 60 watt BC
PROREP Infrared spot 60 Watt BC
Scorpion Uv Light
1.5ltre Pressure Sprayer
brown packing tape per 50mm wide roll
clear packing tape per 50mm wide roll
fragile marked packing tape 50mm
Pro Rep- Water Sprayer 500ml
Terrarium lock
zoo med - Repti Sand Scooper....
Frank Chavez : Aegoidus Debauvei (print Only, Unmounted)
Frank Chavez : Allotopus Rosenbergi (print Only, Unmounted)
Frank Chavez : Calloplophora Sallii (print Only, Unmounted)
Frank Chavez : Chiasognathus Grantii (print Only, Unmounted)
Frank Chavez : Cyclommatus Elaphus (print Only, Unmounted)
Frank Chavez : Dicronorhina Derbyana Red (print Only, Unmounted)
Frank Chavez : Dicronorrhina Derbyana (print Only, Unmounted)
Frank Chavez : Goliathus Goliatus (print Only, Unmounted)
Frank Chavez : Lucanus Cervus Cervus (print Only, Unmounted)
Frank Chavez : Lucanus Elaphus (print Only, Unmounted)
Frank Chavez : Mecynorrhina Torquata Ugandensis (print Only, Unmounted)
Frank Chavez : Megasoma Mars (print Only, Unmounted)
Frank Chavez : Mouhotia Batesi (print Only, Unmounted)
Frank Chavez : Odontolabis Wollastoni (print Only, Unmounted)
Frank Chavez : Palsidognathus Friendi (print Only, Unmounted)
Frank Chavez : Pelidnota Cyanipes (print Only, Unmounted)
Frank Chavez :dynastes Neptunus Rouchei (print Only, Unmounted)
Frank Chavez Print : Lamprima Adolphinae (print Only, Unmounted)
Frank Chavez Print : Solenoptera Dominicensis (print Only, Unmounted)
Martyn Warren : Digital Print : Acrocinus Longimanus (harlequin Beetle)
Martyn Warren : Digital Print : Anatis Ocellata (eyed Ladybird)
Martyn Warren : Digital Print : Catacanthus Incarnatus (man Faced Shield Bug)
Martyn Warren : Digital Print : Catacanthus Nigripes (man- Faced Shield Bug )
Martyn Warren : Digital Print : Cheirolasia Burkei (flower Beetle)
Martyn Warren : Digital Print : Cyriopagopus Lividus (cobaly Blue Tarantula)
Martyn Warren : Digital Print : Daphnis Nerii (oleander Hawkmoth)
Martyn Warren : Digital Print : Eucera Longicornis (long Horned Bee)
Martyn Warren : Digital Print : Eudicella Colmantii Woermanni (flower Beetle)
Martyn Warren : Digital Print : Eumolpus Asclepiadeus (blue Leaf Beetle)
Martyn Warren : Digital Print : Eupholus Schoenherri
Martyn Warren : Digital Print : Goliathus Orientalis (goliath Beetle)
Martyn Warren : Digital Print : Hyalophora Cecropia (cecropia Silkmoth)
Martyn Warren : Digital Print : Lamprima Ado;phinae (saw Tooth Stag Beetle)
Martyn Warren : Digital Print : Lampropepla Rothschildi (false Eye Jewel Beetle)
Martyn Warren : Digital Print : Lucanus Servus (stag Beetle)
Martyn Warren : Digital Print : Odontolalabis Ludekingi (stag Beetle)
Martyn Warren : Digital Print : Phyllium Celebicum (leaf Insect)
Martyn Warren : Digital Print : Phymateus Saxosus (crimson Winged Grasshopper)
Martyn Warren : Digital Print : Xylocopa Caerulea (blue Carpenter Bee)
Martyn Warren : Digital Print : Zographus Aulicus (longhorn Beetle)
Beetle Sculpture
Crab Sculpture
Scorpion Sculpture
Sculpture : 2 Metre Long Steel Dragonfly....special order 8 weeks delivery
Spider Resin Glitter Cog Stone Sculpture
Spider Resin Leaf Stone Sculpture
Spider Sculpture
Wasp Sculpture
1Kg Loose Coco Fibre
Coco Brick 150g
Coco Brick 650g
Coir Block 650g
Decayed Leaf Litter : 2 Ltre
Decayed Leaf Litter : 4 Ltre
Live Sphagnum Moss
PROREP: Coir Blocks 650g
Shitake Mushroom Wood Pulp Bags - 2ltr Dried, Equivalent To 0.8 Hydrated Blocks (available Outside The Uk)
Shitake Mushroom Wood Pulp Bags - 4ltr Dried, Equivalent To 1.6 Hydrated Blocks (available Outside The Uk)
Shredded Deciduous Wood - 2 Ltre
Shredded Deciduous Wood - 4 Ltr
Spider Life 5 Ltr
Spider Life Substrate 1ltr
Vermiculite Coarse 5ltr
Vermiculite- Course 5L
Vermiculite- Fine 10L
ZOO MED: Eco Earth coconut fibre block
Brainstorm Natural History Museum Creepy Crawly Torch & Projector (3yrs Plus)
Buzzerks Bug Goggles Ant (4yrs plus)
Buzzerks Bug Goggles Mantis (4yrs plus)
Cheatwell: Baffled Game 2-4 players (6yrs plus)
Cheatwell: Eye Spy Game 2-6 players (5yrs plus)
Cheatwell: Humm Bug Game 3+players (14yrs plus)
Funtime USB Flying Bee (8yrs plus)
Insect lore Big Bunch O'Bugs (4yrs plus)
Insect lore: Big Bunch o Butterflies (4yrs plus)
Window Walker-Spider (3yrs plus)
calcium powder shaker tub 600g
Brainstorm Outdoor Adventure Magnifier(3yrs plus)
Brainstorm Outdoor Adventure Microscope (6yrs plus)
BUGS- Educational Box Set
Bunch O Bugs
Bunch O Butterflies
Butterfly Garden
Creature Peeper
Creepy Crawly torch and Projector
Funtime: Build your own Worm Garden (5yrs plus)
Insect lore: Best Ever Bug Jar (4yrs plus)
Insect Lore: Butterfly Feeder (4yrs plus)
Insect Lore: Butterfly Garden (4yrs plus)
Insect Lore: Butterfly Net (4yrs plus)
Insect lore: Creature peeper Bug Viewer (4yrs plus)
Insect lore: Port A Bug (4yrs plus)
Living Twig- Indian Stick Insect Kit
Magnifier Bug Jar
Outdoor Adventure Magnifier
Outdoor Adventure Microscope
Outdoor Adventure Nature Explorer
Outdoor Adventure Night Vision Torch
Port-a-Bug Pop up Bug Net
Worm Garden
Necklace- Black string with beetle pendant
Necklace- Black string with glow in the dark Spider pendant
Scorpion Bracelet- Glow in the Dark
Fridge Magnet- Black Scorpion- (Glow in the dark)
Fridge Magnet- Green Rose Chafer Beetle ( Glow in the dark)
Fridge Magnet- Spider ( Glow in the dark )
Paperweight -Large Tarantula in resin -Square
Paperweight -small Tarantula in resin- square
Paperweight Dome Large- Swallowtail Butterfly (Iridescent)
Paperweight Dome Large-Common Tiger Butterfly
Paperweight Dome small - Black scorpion
Paperweight Dome small - Rose Chafer beetle- GLOW IN THE DARK
Paperweight Dome small -Yellow Orange Tip Butterfly
Paperweight Dome- small Spider with web
Paperweight Large - longhorned Beetle set in Resin -Rectangle
Paperweight Large - Praying Mantis set in Resin -Rectangle
Paperweight Large - Stag Beetle set in Resin -Rectangle
Paperweight Large -Tarantula in resin Rectangle
Paperweight Large- centipede set in Resin -Rectangle
Paperweight Small - Green Rose Chafer Beetle in resin Rectangle
Paperweight Small - scorpion in resin Rectangle
Paperweight Small - Spider in resin Rectangle
Paperweight Small - Stag Beetle in resin Rectangle
Paperweight Small - Wasp in resin Rectangle
Paperweight Small- Tarantula in Resin Rectangle