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Beetles: Anthia Sexguttata

Anthia Sexguttata
Anthia Sexguttata

Adults measure approximately 4 to 5cm are black with six relatively large white dorsal spots (four over the elytra and two on the thorax). Other patterns are possible although the pattern is always symmetrical Males and females are not sexually dimorphic, though it appears males are very slightly smaller than females These beetles are carnivorous and could nip smaller childrens fingers

Taxonomic Classification
  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Arthropoda
  • Class: Information not available
  • Order: Information not available
  • Family: Carabidae
  • Sub Family: Harpalinae
  • Genus: Anthia
  • Species: SEXGUTTATA

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Small grub
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Medium grub
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Large Grub
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Adult Female
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Adult Male
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Care Sheet

Anthia Sexguttata
These beetles need a flat ground area to roam and can be quite communal providing there is sufficient food available.
A pair can easily live in a container 30 x 30 x 15cm high though a larger area is always preferable, and they cannot climb sheer surfaces
I have found that they prefer a fairly arid dry surface but must be provided with a water dish, ideally filled with gravel so the beetles and prey items do not drown.
They chase down their prey and so must have living creatures to eat as the movement stimulates the kill response
Food can be small crickets, mealworm, maggots or waxworms or better a mix of all of those
Substrate should be a sandy cosistency, with one end dampened slightly to obtain a small humidity gradient
If you wish to try to breed these beetles, it is likely you would need a 5 to 6cm deep substrate so as to allow eggs to be laid, but as yet i am not aware of anyone who has succeeded in breeding these beetles . If you have success, please advise me how you have kept them so we can share the method with other hobbyists.

It now appears that they need the presence of an ant colony to breed as they use this to feed their larva

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